Saturday, February 7, 2009

Four Petticoats and a Little Gentleman

This family came to visit me before we had our Photo Experience. When they walked into my home, I was struck by how beautiful they all were! This sweet family has four big sisters and one adorable younger brother. I pulled out my petticoats and they ran to try them on trading with each other to pick their favorite colors. This was one time my overstocked supply of petticoats came in handy!

We met on a cold November morning and went to a park in Ridgefield. The vivid fall colors were fabulous! They were all giggly and completely delightful to work with! They brought two separate outfit themes, one more casual and another more dressy and they looked wonderful in both! I could tell Mom put a lot of thought into what they wore.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself while I was able to work with each individual child. They each had their own distinct personality and I loved being able to capture them! After we had been at it for awhile, our little one had a bit of a melt down. You would never know it from the incredible shots we were able to grab. I just love being able to catch that illusive smile right after the tears! His mommy had him dressed in the most adorable coat and tie! I love the shots of him in the orange leaves.

I also love the shots on that bridge! The vivid color of the wood and the decaying leaves were so picturesque! I especially love the photos of them dressed in the turquoise and brown outfits. The colors just sing! And then there are the incredible shots of the girls in their fluff on the playground bridge. I took way too many of those, but I just loved watching them interact. Mom was below, grabbing their toes and making them giggle!

Here is the "M" family! You are all beautiful and thoroughly delightful!

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