Saturday, January 10, 2009

What I've Been Up To

Those of you who are anxiously waiting for your photos to be finished are probably wondering what in the world I've been up to. I haven't been posting here very much. I have actually been posting like crazy on my high school senior blog. I had to put my seniors on the back burner when I was rushing to get everyone's Christmas photos done, so I am now back working on those and doing everyone's photos in the order they were taken. I am now up to October 11th. I am so sorry I am behind, but I just couldn't say no to anyone this year. I still have high hopes that I will have everything finished by the end of this month, though!

I thought I would share a few photos of Light & Shadow's first Bridal Fair which was held at the Clark County Fair Grounds the first weekend in January. I had a wonderful time meeting newly engaged couples and have booked a few weddings already for this summer! I will be launching a new wedding website soon! I'm looking forward to stepping back into weddings again. I've missed the romance and the celebration!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I love the chartruese with the black and white. it really makes things pop. AJ said you had already booked 2 weddings, those couples don't realize the awesome choice they have just made!