Monday, December 1, 2008

Stolen Giggles!

I have had the distinct pleasure of being able to document the stages of these two beautiful children from before they were born! They had their year birthday this summer and I was lucky enough to have them come back and play for Christmas photos! Mom booked early so they would have these in time for Christmas.

Little Miss has always been a little shy around me, but this time, she was all giggles! I was so tickled to capture her sweet and happy personality. Her brother has always been a little more eager to smile, but this time, he was a little more interested in the tree, the presents, the blocks and especially the running around! He kept Mom and Dad hopping! I have found through my experience that from about age 10 months to 4 years, my little clients are MOBILE! I just have to follow them around and click, click, click.

This is a wonderful family and I love having them come to visit as often as they do!

So here are little "Z" and "I", completely adorable and as always, melting my heart!

1 comment:

kewd said...

Thank you Lisa :) As always, you did a wonderful job...and I suspect this was the most challenging of all of the photo shoots you have done with our family, as they were indeed very much on the go for this one! Thanks for your hard work.
